In today’s Irish Times, the 13th. March 2019, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin speaks of the-
“darker and sadder side of Church life 
in a culture of careerism and nastiness” 
and he continues- 
“working at the Vatican is an unusual experience” 
This of course begs the question, what does Archbishop Martin mean by “darker and sadder side of Church life in a culture of careerism and nastiness” Does he mean for example, the Vatican; or much closer to home in Dublin, Ireland; or that the Roman Catholic Church has dark secrets? This is very intriguing coming from an Irish Archbishop with his own dark secrets. 

Dr. Martin should enlighten us on this darker aspect. Perhaps it was the recent cardinals, bishops and priests convicted of raping millions of children world-wide? Or was it the 60,000 secret files Dr. Martin gave as Archbishop of Dublin to the Irish police? Their Investigators were given access to 60,000 previously secret Catholic Church files which in part incriminated four Archbishops of Dublin of deliberately suppressing evidence of "widespread" rape of children by it's clerics.

Also the Irish Government went on to say that the Irish clergy were able to rape thousands of vulnerable children in Ireland because of a "systemic, calculated perversion of power" that put their rapists and pedophiles above Irish Law. 

This damning verdict on the conduct of the Irish Catholic Church and secular authorities followed a three-year investigation into allegations of the rape of thousands of children by Irish Catholic priests in Dublin and Ireland going back to the 1960s. Is this the darker side of Irish Church life that Archbishop Diarmuid Martin speaks of? 

Irish Clerical pedophiles who operated with impunity under the cloak of the priesthood are the true serpents that can and did wreck innocent children’s lives -feeding and with the direct help of the body of the Roman Catholic Church.


The implicit and real crime of the 60,000 secret files is that the evidence was kept inside a secret vault in the Archbishop's own Dublin residence -even as pedophile clerics were moved between parishes to prevent the facts being made public. 

What did Archbishop Martin know about the secret files? After all the 60,000 secret files where in his vault, in his residence in Dublin. He should release the files immediately to the public. The Irish people have a right to them; a right to know who and what clerics raped their children. 

A key question about the 60,000 secret files is this: given this huge number of files, are these the secret files of all the Clergy in Ireland? If one thinks about it for a moment- there are not that number of Clergy in the whole of Ireland. There were about in 1960s, 16,000 nuns in Ireland and some 14,000 male priests and brothers, including all the male Religious Orders in Ireland. 

This number is correct and begs the question of whether the whole barrel of apples are rotten. Because if we add these numbers up, the total is 30,000 Clerics. Yet there are 60,000 secret files in Archbishop Martin’s vault in Dublin. 

We are not talking about "a few bad apples here," it would appear the whole barrel is rotten. Call it what you like, whether it's said of bad apples or rotten ones, or of bushels, barrels, baskets or bins, the lot is rotten. A well known metaphor applies-“A fish rots from the head down." Starting with the Pope, it means that the Catholic Church leadership is the root cause of the organisations failures and demise. 


If the Roman Catholic Church is broken, what now? If the Vatican fails to establish and protect a healthy culture, some unhealthy culture will fill that vacuum, and it appears it did. But I say that the leadership of the culture itself, The Vatican is unhealthy. There begins the rot, and soon the fish is lost. It’s time to seriously talk about the closing of the Vatican and abolish the Roman Catholic Church for the good of humanity.

There is a corrupt realm in Rome which pits innocent children against pedophile priests- Good versus pure Evil. The Vatican is a place where sin and unrighteous virtue are celebrated and collide. This is not the supernatural world, this is a real world in which I grew up: the religious-run Institution in Ireland. I’m still faced off in various legal battles against The Dark Side, the force that is The Catholic Church, The Cult. 

Hunting the great Whore of Babylon, which was and is Rome. Rome in the form of the Catholic Church is still a power.  According to history, when the power of Imperial Rome waned, her Bishops (the Popes) became the new Caesars. That is why the Pope walks around like the King of the world and lives in a palace, the Vatican, and sits on a gold throne. 

Instead of having their own standing army, the Popes have used the armies of other nations to do their bidding and to fight their wars. Through the centuries, the Popes have continued to take the styles and names of the Caesars. The Pope is still called "Pontifex Maximus" which means, "High Priest" just as were the Caesars. 

Is this what our Archbishop Diarmuid Martin speaks of? What did he, Archbishop Martin really see? Did he see the true filth in all of Romans’ glory at the Vatican? Or do the 60,000 secret files held in his own vault shake his chosen faith with idiosyncratic beliefs? Or perhaps he became one of the rotten apples at the head of the rotten fish. 

Come, I will show you the face of truth, of the one that calls himself Peter, corruptible forever. Surrounded by 214 flesh eating, blood sucking Cardinal Vultures sitting in judgement; and speaking from their distorted mouths of these false prophets, is Hate, Intolerance and Death, filling the pure air we breathe with their raucous grunts, and barkings. 

And No, the Pope, Pope Francis, does not occupy St. Peter’s chair, he really occupies Caesar's chair, serving up the rancid fish, head and all, camouflaging the foul stench with lashings of rotten apple sauce.

Owen Felix O’Neill 


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