GUEST POST | BY FELIX O'NEILL I n today’s Irish Times, the 13th. March 2019, Archbishop Diarmuid Martin speaks of the- “darker and sadder side of Church life in a culture of careerism and nastiness” and he continues- “working at the Vatican is an unusual experience” This of course begs the question, what does Archbishop Martin mean by “ darker and sadder side of Church life in a culture of careerism and nastiness ” Does he mean for example, the Vatican; or much closer to home in Dublin, Ireland; or that the Roman Catholic Church has dark secrets? This is very intriguing coming from an Irish Archbishop with his own dark secrets. Dr. Martin should e nlighten us on this darker aspect. Perhaps it was the recent cardinals, bishops and priests convicted of raping millions of children world-wide? Or was it the 60,000 secret files Dr. Martin gave as Archbishop of Dublin to the Irish police? Their Investigators were ...